Monday, October 16, 2006

Lee Jun Ki Declares Philippines to be “Moron-Filled Shithole”

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After a press conference for his latest movie “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? An Effeminate Korean Guy, That’s Who!” Lee Jun Ki made some informal remarks that have sent shockwaves through the Philippines.

“The Philippines are shit,” Lee remarked.

When asked to clarify himself, Lee continued, “It’s a shit country. Bad food, it’s hard to spell, the women are ugly, and the whole place smells like old lettuce. I’ve never met a Filipino that I didn’t want to punch in the face. I swear, it’s like they have a dumbass-making factory over there.”

As he spoke about his deep hatred of the Philippines, Lee became more animated, frequently brushing back his long black hair and adjusting the frilly collar on his pink shirt. It was suspected that he had become tipsy from too much pomegranate juice.

“You know who are the worst?” he asked rhetorically. “The young Filipina girls. The ones around 13 and 14 who watch my movies. Christ, they are ugly. Like little trolls. I hate their knobby little faces. When they come up to me in Korea and ask for autographs, I say ‘Go back under the bridge, you little monsters!’”

Lee then suggested renaming the Philippines and proposed several new names such as “the Shitappines”, “Crotch Island”, and “the United States of Boner Hounds”.



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