Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Art Of Letting Go

Letting go does not mean to stop caring,
it means I can't take responsibility for someone else.

Letting go is not cutting others off,
but the realization I can't control others.

Letting go is not enabling
but allowing others to learn from natural consequences.

Letting go is admitting powerlessness,
which means that the outcome is not in my hands.

Letting go in not to try to change or blame another;
it is making the most of myself.

Letting go is not to diagnose but to support.

Letting go is not judging others
but is allowing them to be a fallible human being.

Letting go refuses to arrange or guarantee results
and allows others to make choices that determine their own destinies.

Letting go refuses to protect others from reality
but encourages one to face the facts.

Letting go refuses to nag, scold, or argue
but instead searches out my own shortcomings and corrects them.

Letting go is not regretting the past
but growing and living for the future.

Letting go is fearing less and loving more.

Author Unknown


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